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A popular website among information seekers around the world. Globally, howstuffworks.com gets over 9 million visitors per month. The sites visitors are evenly spread among males and females, age groups, income range, and education. The site offers a plethora of information on a wide range of topics. Visitors here can get information on the latest trends in categories ranging from tech gadgets to going green. There is a place to type in a search word or phrase, or visitors can search by clicking on one of the ’channels’ and searching there. There are maps and consumer reviews of automobiles and many other products. Also, there is a section that allows visitors to surf what’s hot and view videos. Information about the How Stuff Works television show and several quizzes are also offered on this site. The top page views for this site include the mobile travel guide, auto channel, entertainment, and computer channels. Many users say that they like to visit howstuffworks.com when they are bored. Information junkies love this site because it contains lots of information explained in plain, understandable language. Howstuffworks.com also uses illustrations to enhance understanding of the subjects being discussed. Users also like the easy navigation to their favorite subjects on the site.

Website info
title : HowStuffWorks "Learn How Everything Works!"
start date : 1998-07-11
owner : HowStuffWorks, Inc., Domain Administrator
street : 3350 Peachtree Road, Suite 1500
city/state : Atlanta GA
country/zip : US 30326
email :
phone : 404-760-4336
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how stuff works
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WWW Server : Apache
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jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
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host Record Name IP Reverse
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howstuffworks.com NS ns-153.awsdns-19.com
howstuffworks.com MX 10 mail.messaging.microsoft.com mail.global.frontbridge.com
Domain information
Created : 2009-07-30
Expires : 2014-07-10
Changed : 2013-06-10
Domain owner
Name : Discovery Communications, Inc.
Address : One Discovery Place
Silver Spring
Name : DNS Administrator
Address : One Discovery Place
Phone : +1.2406627562
Fax : +1.2406620001
Email : DNS_ADMIN@discovery.com
Name : HowStuffWorks Inc.
Address : 3350 Peachtree Road
Suite 1500
Phone : +404.7604729
Fax : +404.7603458
Email : domains@howstuffworks.com
IP information
IP owner
Handle : AT-88-Z
Organization : Amazon Technologies Inc.
Address : street: 410 Terry Ave N.
city: Seattle
state: WA
pcode: 98109
country: US
Handle : AC6-ORG-ARIN
Name : Amazon-com Incoroporated
Phone : +1-206-266-4064
Email : NOC@amazon.com
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Name : Role Account
Phone : +1-206-266-4064
Email : aes-noc@amazon.com,noc@amazon.com
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