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This is news, weather and all to do with Pittsburgh site. It is long and detailed and colourful with lots of photos. The top of the page is an ad for the Local 66 and the Port Authority. Under that is the weather section with the temperature, times, radar and other weather features. The titles begin with news, weather, sports, entertainment, and high school. Buy/sell, ½ off, community and station. Under that you will find the date and time along with rss, email, desktop alerts and mobile. Then you can use the search slot to find what you are looking for quickly.
Under that you will find more titles with local, national and world H1N1 Outbreak, Videos and Slideshows. Under that is a changing photo with different stories along with changing headlines and subtitled stories. You will find sponsored links with videos and slideshows and more. Next to that on the right is See and Be Seen Section with more stories and pieces. As you move down the page there are links for most auto listings, free classifieds and finding local professionals. Under that is an ad with the time of the television show mercy along with more local headlines. To the right of that are more interesting videos.
Then the site moves onto headlines which include weather and the neighbourhood news now both with subtitles underneath. Next to that is a piece by John Fedko and under that you will find a section titled 412 Moms with information and a message board. Under that there are more lists which include Cool Contests, Community Events, Pittsburgh.com and Automotive. Then there is a section titled Weight Loss Challenge. Down the page you will find the section titled Check for Featured Opportunities and You’ve Gotta See This along with the Quiz of the Day.
Then there are some ads by Google and a section titled links we like and the most popular with stories, videos and slideshows. There is a small section with Weird News and an ad for Wendy’s. The bottom of the page has the featured stories along with pictures and then the table of contents for easy site exploration.

Website info
title : Pittsburgh News, Weather, Traffic, Sports | www.wpxi.com
start date : 1994-12-08
owner : Cox Holdings, Inc.
street : 1400 Lake Hearn Dr. NE
city/state : Atlanta GA
country/zip : US 30319
email :
phone : 404 843 5327 404 269 1437, Fax: +1 404 572 1801
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User Contributions:

Report this comment as inappropriate
Jan 29, 2010 @ 7:07 am
I am trying to get a picture from your web sight - I am a teacher at CAPA School and my students make a peaceful march to the court house the other day - you published a picture of my students and I am trying to get a copy of the one showing a girl very somber and crying holding a sign that said "I have a dream and police brutality is not part of it" Please let me know how I can get several or at least one copy of this picture.
Thanks You
Patricia Marasco

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Changed : 2013-12-03
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