www.life123.com (visit site)

Life123.com is a site where writers can converge and insert their opinions about random topics ranging from recycling to different types of arts. There is a register option at the top of the site where users can register and become permanent members. The site has a comfortable light blue background that creates a sense of a comfortable atmosphere. Sections on the site include arts & culture, beauty, career and money, and money more sections worth checking out. Other sections include hobbies, and health and wellness. This site brags about their ability to get their public answers very quickly with little problems. The site covers the best of everything on topics spanning all of life’s categories and it is delivered at optimum speed. The beauty section of this site is also one of the most extensive and a favorite of the users that come here. In this section, one can find high quality how t articles, guides, videos, and advice on whatever they need. There is also the opportunity to become a writer on the site. Benefits include being paid and having your work published. This site is great for prospective writers but also for people who are looking for life’s answers.

Website info
title : Articles and Answers about Life - Life123
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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 44168 alexa rank
alexa.com 1967 alexa inbound links
quantcast.com 3586 quantcast rank
Social Stats
reddit.com 30 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 17 wikipedia links
G+ 15 Facebook like
107 html errors, 73 css errors
1.30 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (47.10% visitors came from there)
G+ 19 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
make heart model
what does itunes library consist of
great questions to ask gf
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : Apache
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: utf-8
Server: Header: Apache
Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
Google Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool which provides webmasters with detailed reports about their site and its visibility in the Google search engine. It also gives you the possibility to verify positions of individual phrases, indexing service and possible errors encountered when pages are indexed. Google Webmaster Tools also provides information about the pages that contain links to your site.
Google Adsense Google Adsense is another tool for webmasters - more specifically it’s affiliate program that allows paid ads. It works on the principle that the webmaster puts advertising on website, and when the visitors click on it, the webmaster gets some money (sometimes it’s a few dollars per click).
DoubleClick DoubleClick is a platform designed to manage advertising for creators, sellers, and buyers of digital media from around the World. DoubleClick mainly deals with banner advertising and animations. DoubleClick also reports on innovative solutions in the industry, and trends that prevail in it.
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
Shockwave Flash Embed Shockwave Flash (SWF) is a file format created by Adobe specifically for Flash. SWF files can contain different types of animations or applets. Online games, banners on websites, internet galleries, etc are also saved as SWF. SWF files are opened by web browsers with the right plug-in installed (Shockwave Player or Adobe Flash Player).
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
life123.com A
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life123.com NS name2.ask.com
life123.com NS name6.ask.com
life123.com NS name1.ask.com
life123.com NS name5.ask.com
Domain information
Created : 2006-01-22
Expires : 2014-01-22
Changed : 2011-12-22
IP information
IP owner
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Address : street: 555 12th Street
Suite 500
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state: CA
pcode: 94607
country: US
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Name : NAS
Phone : +1-510-985-7400
Email : nas@ask.com
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Status : Direct Assignment
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