www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org (visit site)

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise was established in 1993 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship by enphasizing the fundamentals of the alliance- the values that the nations share. The objective and purpose of AICE include to provide a vehicle for the research, study, discussion, and exchange of views concerning nonmilitary cooperation between the peoples and governments of the United States and Israel, to facilitate the formation of partnerships between Israelis and Americans, to publicize joint activities, and the benefits accruing to America and Israel from them, to facilitate the formation or partnerships between Israeli’s and Americans, to explore issues of common historical interest to the peoples and governments of the United States and Israel, to sponsor research, conferences and documentaries, to serve as a clearing house on joint U.S.-Israeli activities, to provide education materials on Jewish history and culture, and to promote scholarship in the field of Israel Studies. The Jewish Virtual Library’s purpose is to provide information about all facets of Jewish Life: Judaism, Jews in the Diaspora, the history of Antisemitism, the rise of Zionism, and Zionist thoughts, biographies of prominent Zionist, The Holocaust, Israel and Jerusalem, Israel’s Wars, Jewish Holidays, and link titled “Who is a Jew”. The website also has a mailing list that requires only an email address to sign up for.

Website info
title : Home | Jewish Virtual Library
start date : 2000-10-10
owner : Aice
street : 2810 Blaine Dr
city/state : Chevy Chase MD
country/zip : US 20815
email :
phone : +1 301 565 3918
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Domain information
Created : 2000-10-10
Expires : 2016-10-10
Changed : 2013-09-11
Domain owner
Handle : 28164940b25c8902
Name : Mitchell Bard
Organization : AICE
Address : street: 2810 Blaine Dr.
city: Chevy Chase
state: MD
pcode: 20815
country: US
Phone : +1.3015653918
Email : mitchellbard@gmail.com
Handle : C4353742-RCOM
Name : Mitchell Bard
Organization : AICE
Address : street: 2810 Blaine Dr.
city: Chevy Chase
state: MD
pcode: 20815
country: US
Phone : +1.3015653918
Email : mgbard@aol.com
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