www.home-remedies-for-you.com favicon home-remedies-for-you.com (visit site)

If you ever wanted to find out about home remedies and natural cures then this is the site for you. This site has everything to do with treating yourself at home. It is a cool and natural green and white that is suitable for the site. The site is long and packed with information. At the top you will find a search box and site sign up, bookmark and subscription to the newsletter along with a place to submit your remedies.

The titles include home remedies, articles, specialists, questions, blog, medicanet, yoga, vitamins, health tips, herbs, recipes. You can find the latest articles, top searches, latest answers and Medicanet. There is a section for what’s new on Home Remedies for you and the free newsletter that has over 15 million visitors a year! There is a section where you can add your own questions and get answers from the sites experts.

There is a full list of remedies for every condition you can think of. Then you can read different pieces on remedies and home health care. There is a feature of the month and an archive along with a section on the top searches to make it easier to find what you are looking for. Then towards the bottom of the page you will find a large section on the latest answers on everything from nutrition to fitness to children issues. Finally, there is a section on the latest articles with titles to follow as well.

Website info
title : Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Common Illnesses
start date : 2004-11-25
owner : Home-remedies-for-you.com
street :
city/state : Santa Clara CA
country/zip : US 95045
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alexa.com 40825 alexa rank
alexa.com 1374 alexa inbound links
quantcast.com 7778 quantcast rank
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dmoz.org 1 dmoz links
reddit.com 1 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 5 wikipedia links
G+ 299 Facebook like
55 html errors, 101 css errors
1.79 page views per user
Most popular in India, (37.80% visitors came from there)
G+ 80 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
home remedies
home remedies for eczema
gout home remedies
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Expires : 2014-11-25
Changed : 2008-02-06
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