www.absolutepunk.net favicon absolutepunk.net (visit site)

absolutepunk.net is a website that showcases and provides articles about a wide variety of musical bands and artists. There are many options available to look through on the landing page of the website. The current featured band appears near the top of the page, with some backgrounds description and biography details. Some of the most recent articles added to site, some featuring bands and others discussing the current state of music, can be accessed further down the landing page or from the top menu.

You can access a full listing of the artists that you can read about and listen to on absolutepunk.net by clicking on the Artists link at the top of the page. Absolutepunk.net lists the genre of each artist, and also has lots of detailed information and some artists have pictures as well. Registered users of the site can choose to become fans of artists online, or can view the other fans for each band. There are also artist interviews available that you can read through.

You can sign up for an account with absolutepunk.net, which will give you further access to the site forum and other available features. The latest posts on the forum can be seen on the right side of the landing page, so you can keep up-to-date with the most recent postings.

There is a music player available on the right side of the page. Many of the artists featured on the site can be listened to, so you can see if their sound is up your alley before buying an album.

Website info
title : AbsolutePunk.net - Music Mends Broken Hearts
start date : 2000-06-01
owner : Unlisted
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phone : Unlisted
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alexa.com 30856 alexa rank
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dmoz.org 2 dmoz links
reddit.com 340 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 3609 wikipedia links
G+ 8371 Facebook like
788 html errors, 1 css errors
2.41 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (65.00% visitors came from there)
G+ 1417 Tweets
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string cheese incident battle
absolute punk
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WWW Server : Apache
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Server: Header: Apache
Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
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Facebook Like Facebook Like Button is a button which allows recommending the content on Facebook. When you click on a profile in the Like button your friends can see what interested you. Like button works not only on the Facebook - it can also be posted on your website.
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jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
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PHP PHP is a scripting language used for object-oriented programming of dynamic websites. PHP is usually used on the server WWW site, but also can be used to create programs running in graphical mode if we use the appropriate libraries. Sometimes PHP is also used to process data by the command line.
RSS RSS is a news channel that allows transmission of fragments of entries on pages which have active RSS channel. To read the information sent through this channel you can use a feed reader - in network you can find many feed readers.
DNS info
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Domain information
Created : 2000-06-01
Expires : 2014-06-01
Changed : 2013-06-18
Domain owner
IP information
IP owner
Handle : TIERZ
Organization : Tierzero
Address : street: 700 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 600
city: Los Angeles
state: CA
pcode: 90017
country: US
Phone : +1-213-784-1397
Email : ipnetworkops@tierzero.net
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-208-179-0-0-1
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : ABUSE3154-ARIN
Name : Abuse Department
Phone : +1-213-784-1400
Email : abuse@tierzero.com
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