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1saleaday.com is a website that intends to give its customer an entertaining shopping experience. The primary purpose of the site is to offer one special sale every day, hence the name. The deal is always heavily discounted, and is available until midnight.
There is one big sale available on the website, as well as sales for jewellery, watches, wireless and family items. Each product for sale comes with specifications and a short product description. Each product will also have a timer that tells the user when the deal will expire.
To make the shopping experience more fun, 1saleaday.com also regularly updates their joke of the day, word of the day, stat of the day, historical fact of the day and buzz of the day.
You can register for an account with the site or follow them on their blog, twitter or facebook accounts. You can buy products on their website with your Paypal account. The site is very colorful and easy to navigate. You can bookmark or follow the site so that you can regularly check back for good deals. Click on the 'About Us' tab to read more about how the site came into existence and the principles that the website operates on.
Older males will find this site most useful. This site also attracts an affluent audience. There is a high amount of Graduates and Post Graduates that use this site.

Website info
title : Daily Deals + Free Shipping on 1Sale.com
owner : Ben Federman
street : 1111 Brickell Ave
city/state : Miami FL
country/zip : US 33131
email :
phone : 800-419-0100
load time for 1saleaday.com

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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 9548 alexa rank
alexa.com 1031 alexa inbound links
quantcast.com 2720 quantcast rank
Social Stats
reddit.com 160 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 6 wikipedia links
G+ 16 Facebook like
47 html errors, 907 css errors
3.96 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (91.80% visitors came from there)
G+ 1206 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
1 sale a day
one sale a day
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : nginx/0.7.65
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Server: Header: nginx/0.7.65
Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
Google Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool which provides webmasters with detailed reports about their site and its visibility in the Google search engine. It also gives you the possibility to verify positions of individual phrases, indexing service and possible errors encountered when pages are indexed. Google Webmaster Tools also provides information about the pages that contain links to your site.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
1saleaday.com A
1saleaday.com SOA NS59.WORLDNIC.com
1saleaday.com NS ns59.worldnic.com
1saleaday.com NS ns60.worldnic.com
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1saleaday.com MX 10 aspmx.l.google.com oa-in-f27.1e100.net
1saleaday.com MX 50 aspmx3.googlemail.com qe-in-f26.1e100.net
1saleaday.com MX 20 alt1.aspmx.l.google.com gg-in-f26.1e100.net
1saleaday.com MX 40 aspmx2.googleemail.com aspmx2.googleemail.com
Domain information
Created : 2005-06-23
Expires : 2016-06-23
Changed : 2007-02-21
IP information
IP owner
Handle : AT-88-Z
Organization : Amazon Technologies Inc.
Address : street: 410 Terry Ave N.
city: Seattle
state: WA
pcode: 98109
country: US
Handle : AC6-ORG-ARIN
Name : Amazon-com Incoroporated
Phone : +1-206-266-4064
Email : NOC@amazon.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-54-224-0-0-1
Name : AMAZON-2011L
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : ROLEA19-ARIN
Name : Role Account
Phone : +1-206-266-4064
Email : aes-noc@amazon.com,noc@amazon.com
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