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If you are stumped for things to do in your area or city this site can really help you out. If you are looking for a certain artist or performer then you should check out ZVents.com. You can find out all the entertainment venues in your area. The site is long and detailed in bright oranges. The top of the page has boxes for what, when and near for searches and a listing box. The titles include events, movies, venues, restaurants performers. To the right is the add to our listings link. Under that is a changing location title and then you can register and login. To the left of the page are the title By Type and the subtitles including arts and crafts, dance, performing arts and more?
The middle section has Featured Events with changing photos and events and information. To the right of the page is Hot Tickets with titles and buy now icons. Under that on the left is the title by City with cities like Barrie, Brampton, Kitchener, Oakville and more. In the middle is the title performing arts and theatre with different performers and performances. To the right are popular searches and then Upcoming Holiday Events like the Nutcracker and more. The left of the page at the bottom has the title By Time with subtitles and then Recently Added Events and Popular Movies to the right. The bottom of the page has quick links listed like company, products, events, movies, performers and much more.

Website info
start date : 2005-05-16
owner : Ethan Stock
street : 1875 S. Grant St. #800
city/state : San Mateo CA
country/zip : US 94402
email :
phone : +1 650 288 0877
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wikipedia.org 86 wikipedia links
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21 html errors, 27 css errors
3.58 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (52.20% visitors came from there)
G+ 425 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
regal cinemas stockton ca
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WWW Server : nginx/1.0.15
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jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
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zvents.com A
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zvents.com NS ns-c.pnap.net
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zvents.com NS ns-b.pnap.net
zvents.com MX 10 gort.ebay.com
zvents.com MX 10 lore.ebay.com
zvents.com MX 10 data.ebay.com
Domain information
Created : 2005-05-16
Expires : 2016-05-16
Changed : 2013-01-25
IP information
IP owner
Organization : Zvents
Address : street: 1875 S. Grant St., No. 800
city: San Mateo
state: CA
pcode: 94402
country: US
Handle : INO3-ARIN
Name : InterNap Network Operations Center
Phone : +1-404-475-0520
Email : noc@internap.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-74-201-80-0-1
Name : INAP-SJE-ZVENTS-15942
Status : Reassigned
Handle : IAC3-ARIN
Name : Internap Abuse Contact
Phone : +1-206-256-9500
Email : abuse@internap.com
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