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I have come across a lot of website in the internet, some make since, some don’t but one thing for sure website x17online.com, are always going to keep you entertain. This website have a little bit of everything like photo gallery, a link where users can post their pictures, and also post their song as well, and a discussion link were people are just talking about one thing which is celebrity hock up and break up. And the video link come with no surprise to me, it only about celebrity again, its jus a like that have videos of celebrities that are either on the bitch, or walking on the street. Just like I thought, there is no charge to become t member at this site. But even if some one has pay probably would not become a member at this site. When first log in to the website, you would think this is a very exciting site, but once you stated to browse to it you’ll find out there is nothing going on in this site. Even though there are a lot of people who become members of the site, but I still don’t see anything appealing about it. It is true about what they say, look can be deceiving.

Website info
title : X17 Online - Celebrity News | Celebrity Gossip | Celebrity Photos & Pics | Paparazzi Photos of Hollywood Celebs
start date : 2006-03-13
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alexa.com 25912 alexa rank
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reddit.com 60 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 44 wikipedia links
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G+ 912 Tweets
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WWW Server : Apache
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: utf-8
Server: Header: Apache
Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
Google Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool which provides webmasters with detailed reports about their site and its visibility in the Google search engine. It also gives you the possibility to verify positions of individual phrases, indexing service and possible errors encountered when pages are indexed. Google Webmaster Tools also provides information about the pages that contain links to your site.
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
RSS RSS is a news channel that allows transmission of fragments of entries on pages which have active RSS channel. To read the information sent through this channel you can use a feed reader - in network you can find many feed readers.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
x17online.com A
x17online.com SOA NS11.WORLDNIC.com
x17online.com NS ns11.worldnic.com
x17online.com NS ns12.worldnic.com
x17online.com MX 10 inbound.x17online.com.netsolmail.net mailpod1.networksolutionsemail.com
Domain information
Created : 2006-03-13
Expires : 2014-03-13
Changed : 2008-07-20
IP information
IP owner
Organization : X17, Inc.
Address : street: Po Box 2362
city: Beverly Hills
state: CA
pcode: 90213-2362
country: US
Handle : TECHN328-ARIN
Name : Technical Contact
Phone : +1-866-637-2377
Email : tech@nexcess.net
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-207-32-191-64-1
Name : X17ON
Status : Reassigned
Handle : ABUSE1075-ARIN
Name : Abuse Contact
Phone : +1-866-637-2377
Email : abuse@nexcess.net
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