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Unt.edu is the official website for the University of North Texas. The university is a public search university located in Denton, Texas. The school offers 97 bachelor degrees, and 101 masters, and 49 doctoral degrees. The University is composed of 12 colleges and schools. The website features a simple designing highlighted using the school colors. At the bottom right of the homepage users will view an announcement section which contains important information for current and prospective students. Below the announcements the UNT events are listed by date of occurrence. To the left of the events list sits the news box. The news box contains information regarding UNT, its student, and its actions within the community. Towards the center of the homepage users will find categories labeled admissions, academics, campus life, about UNT, visit UNT, and Alumni. Prospective students should focus on the admissions, academics, and campus life sections. The website also contains a separate list of navigation links labeled future students, current students, faculty and staff, parents and family, and alumni and friends. Lastly, the website contains supplementary links such as MYUNT, EagleConnect, blackboard, people and departments, maps, calendar, and giving to UNT. The website can also be viewed in Spanish.

Website info
title : University of North Texas
start date : 1986-09-29
owner : University of North Texas
street : Computing and Information Technology Center, PO Box 305398
city/state : Denton TX
country/zip : US 76203
email :
phone : +1 940 565 2324
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dmoz.org 63 dmoz links
reddit.com 20 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 125 wikipedia links
G+ 0 Facebook like
3.47 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (56.50% visitors came from there)
G+ 0 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
university of north texas
toscanini the man behind the legend
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : Apache
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: utf-8
Server: Header: Apache
Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
Social bookmarking:
Facebook Like Facebook Like Button is a button which allows recommending the content on Facebook. When you click on a profile in the Like button your friends can see what interested you. Like button works not only on the Facebook - it can also be posted on your website.
YouTube YouTube is the most popular website providing videos. Registration on this site is free and everyone registered there can view the movies and upload their own films. Available here are: movie trailers, music videos, amateur videos, instructional videos, etc.
RSS RSS is a news channel that allows transmission of fragments of entries on pages which have active RSS channel. To read the information sent through this channel you can use a feed reader - in network you can find many feed readers.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
static.cws.wip.ads.unt.edu A
Domain information
IP information
IP owner
Handle : UNT
Organization : University of North Texas
Address : street: PO BOX 305398
ISB 119 - Computing and Information Technology Center
city: Denton
state: TX
pcode: 76203-5398
country: US
Handle : BC12-ARIN
Name : Copeland, Blair
Phone : +1-940-565-4180
Email : copeland@unt.edu
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-129-120-0-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : INFOR9-ARIN
Name : Information Security
Phone : +1-940-565-2324
Email : abuse@unt.edu
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