www.www.faa.gov favicon www.faa.gov (visit site)

Faa.gov is the official website for the Federal Aviation Administration. The website deals with topics that are affecting aviation, flights, airports, policies affecting aviation, news affecting aviation, events affecting aviation, and things of that nature. A small image box situated top left features the latest news and updates on the website. The box contains link to FAA policies, budget information, airport information, and upcoming conferences. From the homepage users can search for FAA offices in their areas. The homepage features information about pilots, regulations and guidelines, top requests, and inquiries. The homepage also contains links to other governmental websites. The content on the website is classified under the categories of aircraft, airports, air traffic, data and research, licenses and certificates, regulations and policies, and training and testing. The aircraft section talks about aircraft security, aircraft certification, general aviation and recreational aviation. The airport section contains a list of regions and their airports. The airport section also contains advice and alerts that users may need about specific airports. The licenses and certification section is important for both commercial and recreational pilots. The section talks about how one can go about earning certain certifications such as airmen, medical certification, and aircraft certification.

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title : FAA: Home
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