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This site is a community of blogger that help you to live large on a tighter budget. The site is large and packed with information. The titles include personal finance, frugal living, career, life hacks, best deals, small business, forums and more. The site opens with a changing photo and different articles. Next to that are More Hot Stories like the Best Money Tips. There is a section to subscribe via email and follow the site on face book, twitter and RSS. The next sections are titles personal finance and frugal living both with photos, articles, reviews, investing and more.
Further down the page is another section titled Career and Income and Life Hacks with more articles and information. Alongside that are the hot today and most comments sections with a numbered list of subjects like 8 cheap ways to lower your blood sugar. The next section is the Best Deals Today and gets daily deal to your inbox. Then there is the Dealista and saving money on appliances along with a couple of more articles. Under that is the How to Library with photos and titles like the Ultimate Credit Card Guide and more.
The next section is titled Highlights of the Week with more articles. Then the Best of Wise Bread with titles like How to get laid off: A Step by Step Guide. Towards the bottom of the page are the featured columnists, money tips, blog roll and finally the headlines from the Wise bread partners. This is a great site for anyone who wants to try to save money and read some great articles, reviews and much more.

Website info
title : Wise Bread | Personal Finance and Frugal Living Forums
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Quantcast Quantcast is a solution that allows you to track your site statistics such as user demographics or traffic sources. This is a free audience measurement and web analytics service for marketers and sellers.
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
Sitemeter Site Meter is a free tool that allows you to track site traffic in rea-time. Site Meter is a counter and statistics tracker that provides information such as: who visits your site, what content they are reading, traffic sources, etc. Site Meter can also create dynamic 3D charts showing visitors, country maps, etc.
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jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
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Drupal Drupal is one of the well-known content management systems, through which users can easily manage their website. Drupal uses PHP, MySQL or PostgreSQL and also Apache or IIS servers. Drupal is available on the GPL Licence.
PHP PHP is a scripting language used for object-oriented programming of dynamic websites. PHP is usually used on the server WWW site, but also can be used to create programs running in graphical mode if we use the appropriate libraries. Sometimes PHP is also used to process data by the command line.
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Expires : 2021-11-30
Changed : 2012-09-28
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Email : dal-abuse@tierpoint.com
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