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Wiktionary.com is a wiki-based website that provides dictionary information for words in multiple different languages, including English, Polish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, and Swahili. When you search for a word, you get a massive page with lots of information on that word. You get a picture, if applicable, pronunciation in the language you chose, etymology of the word, the meaning, including all sorts of colloquial meanings, and synonyms. There are also words that derive from that word, translations, related words, like verb or noun forms of the same word, and anagrams. The page also shows other meanings for that word in other languages, should the same word have a different meaning. You can check out random entries by clicking on the appropriate link, request new entries, and join in on the site community to help contribute to the expansion of its content.

Wiktionary.com is a useful resource for anyone interested in or needing to find information on words, etymology, and other related topics. The site even features a few joke/nonsense words, including the famous word from Mary Poppins, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. The site is extremely comprehensive, even sporting words that are no longer commonly used, so it is somewhat helpful for research as well.

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