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Vzwshop.com is the online shop for Verizon Wireless. The site features a slick and easy user interface. The site divides most of its information under four sections: new customers, support, special offers, and free Bluetooth headset. Under new customers use can browse and purchase phones. In order to have access to the phones users must first suggest their desired plan and location. After picking a phone users will pick their desired plan, and pick their minutes to complete the process. Also in this section users can choose to setup their order completely around a desired plan. Next under support users can sign up to receive promotions, offers, and information on product and services via email. Also new customers can enter their location in order to receive trouble shooting information, contact numbers, and quick help links. If users are already registered on the website they can just sign into their profile in order to find help. Registered users also have the advantage of being able to check their balance, to check minutes used, to check voice mail, and to make payments. Also the website currently has a promotion where customers receive a free Bluetooth headset when they purchase a Verizon wireless phone. Any Verizon wireless customers or potential customers will find this site really useful.

Website info
title : Verizon Wireless
start date : 2001-12-17
owner : Verizon Wireless
street : 180 Washington Valley Road
city/state : Bedminster NJ
country/zip : US 07921
email :
phone : +1 908 306 7000, Fax: +1 123 123 1234
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verizon wireless
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WWW Server : Microsoft-IIS/7.5
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host Record Name IP Reverse
vzwshop.com A
vzwshop.com SOA ns1.moxieinteractive.net
vzwshop.com NS ns0.moxieinteractive.net
vzwshop.com NS ns1.moxieinteractive.net
Domain information
Created : 2001-12-17
Expires : 2015-12-17
Changed : 2013-11-16
IP information
IP owner
Handle : QUALI-64
Organization : Quality Technology Services, N.J., LLC
Address : street: 12851 Foster Street, Suite 205
city: Overland Park
state: KS
pcode: 66213
country: US
Handle : GET5-ARIN
Name : Tran, Gloria E
Phone : +1-212-625-7318
Email : gtran@qualitytech.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-209-208-128-0-1
Name : QTS-209-208-128-0-17
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : ABUSE1735-ARIN
Name : Abuse
Phone : +1-866-239-5000
Email : abuse@qualitytech.com
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