www.vehix.com (visit site)

This site will help you find a vehicle, sell a vehicle and much more. The site is bold in muted orange and colourful pictures. The top right corner has my vehix and finds a dealer. Then the titles are New Cars, Used Cars, Research, Sell Your Car, Videos, Finance, Community and Green. Under that to the left are the title New Cars and the subtitle research by category. Then there is a list that has compacts, Sedans, Sport, SUV; s and more. Next in the middle is the Used Cars section with a search box for local and used car inventories along with a zip box so you can look up the vehicle and value.
The right corner has a Malibu ad with request a quote and some other subtitles. Under New Cars is the title Get a Free Price Quote. Under that is a New Car Video and next to that is the title Research Used Cars with a video for a pre-owned Vehicle Review. Back to the right of the page you will find a section titled Get Free Price Quotes from local dealers with a couple of boxes to enter your information. Down the page is a changing photo and titles on different vehicles and write ups to match each one. There are five in total.
The bottom of the page has three sections. The first is titled Research Your Next Car with subtitles and a video. The next title is Vehix Blogs with a subtitle and video and the last is the Top Ten List with subtitles and a video. The right of the page has an ad and a compare now box with a click on button.

Website info
title : Multi-Hop Cycle Detected
start date : 1999-06-25
owner : Vehix, Inc.
street : 1165 East Wilmington Avenue, Suite 200
city/state : Salt Lake City UT
country/zip : US 84106
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phone : +1 801-401-6060, Fax: +1 801 401 6061
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Jun 27, 2010 @ 9:09 am
want to sell suv nissan exterroryr.2k for 6000.00 silver exterer gray interor loaded 6 cyl. automatic transmission good condition etc.

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