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Validclick.com is pay per click network that provides advertisers with an advertising market. Validclick.com targets online advertisers and publishers. The information on the website is divided between advertisers, publishers, and agencies. The website state that it offers advertisers click fraud technology, and fair click conversion scores. The website states that it offers publishers individual feeds. It also states that advertisers should advertise on their website because of its ease of use and API access. The API access allows advertisers to upload and manage their ad campaigns. The website promises to publishers that they will have access to hundreds of thousands of pay per click advertisers. Publishers will also have control over their feeds, and coverage on their feed. The website states that the feed consists of hundred of thousands of advertisers covering tens of millions of keywords. The website also gives agencies API access. It gives agencies flexible billing options. They can create accounts using a credit and later choose to customize their payment options. Agencies can also manage pay per click budgets for multiple clients. All the features mentioned above are only available to individual that are registered as advertisers, publishers, and agencies. Lastly, users can contact the company with any questions that they may have.

Website info
title : ValidClick: Make more money from your site or mobile app.
start date : 2004-07-21
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3.30 page views per user
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DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
validclick.com A
validclick.com SOA ns15.inuvo.com
validclick.com NS ns15.inuvo.com
validclick.com NS ns16.inuvo.com
validclick.com MX 0 validclick-com.mail.eo.outlook.com mail-bl24215.inbound.protection.outlook.com
Domain information
Created : 2004-07-21
Expires : 2014-07-21
Changed : 2013-07-22
Domain owner
IP information
IP owner
Handle : PER1
Organization : Peer 1 Network (USA) Inc.
Address : street: 75 Broad Street
2nd Floor
city: New York
state: NY
pcode: 10004
country: US
Handle : ZP55-ARIN
Name : PEER 1 Network Inc
Phone : +1-604-683-7747
Email : net-admin@peer1.net
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-65-39-128-0-1
Name : PEER1-BLK-06
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : NSA-ARIN
Name : Peer 1 Network AUP Enforcement
Phone : +1-604-484-2588
Email : abuse@peer1.net
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Title Mainstream Advertising :: We Power Results
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