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With this site it is all about connecting calls and people. The site is small but with enough detail to keep you informed on cellular phones and more. The top of the page has the login, store find, mail in rebate, careers and send a text message. Then the titles include products and services, special offers, business services, about us customer support and my account. There is a colorful picture under that along with a write up about U.S. Cellular. The left side has the titles again with links to topics like awards, press room, sponsorships, excellence guarantees and more.

The middle of the page covers the quick facts about the site like when it was founded, number of customers, associates and more. On the right are helpful links and a box with the picture and letter from the CEO. What could be better than an endorsement from the president? Below that you can read the section on their business model and next to that is the address and phone number for the headquarters. The bottom of the page has links to the sitemap, privacy, legal, consumer info code and contacts us. The site is VeriSign Secured for your protection.

Website info
title : Cell Phone Service | Cell Phone Plans | U.S. Cellular
start date : 1993-02-24
owner : U.S. Cellular
street : 8410 W. Bryn Mawr
city/state : Chicago IL
country/zip : US 60631
email :
phone : +1 773 399 4163, Fax: +1 773 399 4933
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WWW Server : Apache
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Encoding: utf-8
Server: Header: Apache
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
jQuery UI jQuery UI is the official library of user interface used in jQuery. It provides a variety of patterns, themes, and advanced and multi-level effects, which are necessary for creating web applications.
SWFObject Library SWFObject is a very simple and user-friendly method for the insertion of components made in Flash on websites with a single javascript file.
YouTube YouTube is the most popular website providing videos. Registration on this site is free and everyone registered there can view the movies and upload their own films. Available here are: movie trailers, music videos, amateur videos, instructional videos, etc.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
uscc.com A
uscc.com SOA a.ns.uscc.com
uscc.com NS a.ns.uscc.com
uscc.com NS b.ns.uscc.com
Domain information
Created : 1993-02-24
Expires : 2015-02-25
Changed : 2013-09-27
Domain owner
Name : Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.
Address : United States Cellular Corporation
8401 Greenway Blvd., PO Box 620980
Middleton,, WI 53562-0980
Email : uscellular.registrant@teldta.com
Name : Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.
Address : United States Cellular Corporation
8410 W Bryn Mawr Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone : +1.6086648300
Email : Webteam@uscellular.com
IP information
IP owner
Handle : NAVITA-1
Organization : Navitaire, Inc.
Address : street: 901 Marquette Ave. Suite 1600
city: Minneapolis
state: MN
pcode: 55402
country: US
Handle : AW463-ARIN
Name : Willette, Andrew
Phone : +1-612-317-7718
Email : andrew.e.willette@accenture.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-208-72-8-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : AW463-ARIN
Name : Willette, Andrew
Phone : +1-612-317-7718
Email : andrew.e.willette@accenture.com
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