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When users first enter the site they are redirected to a different URL. The homepage shows multiple buttons that are labeled with wireless phone carriers. Data.net works with AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, T-mobile, SunCom, Allitel, CelluarOne, and Virgin mobile users can choose 15 full track MP3s for 9.99 per month. Fees may also change depending on carrier and types of download for example Virgin mobile users have to pay 4.49 per week. Users also have to check if Data.net is compatible with their phone model. When users register they start by choosing their carrier. Next users enter their phone numbers. Next they will be directed to confirm their information, and choose downloads. All customers will receive a unique that they later use during registration to agree become subscribers to the service. Every month a user’s account will be billed and in return they will receive 15 download credits until they text to cancel or contact customer service. In order to sign up for the services users must be at minimum 18 or have parental permission. If the service does not work with their carrier users can still visit us.dada.net directly. On the website users can search for and download MP3s. The can search from top artists, top albums, new arrivals, most popular, and buzz worthy. Users can also navigate the website for extras, and other mobile services.

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title : RingtoneMatcher Top 100 Songs
start date : 2006-04-06
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