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Repec.org is the official website of RePEc, or Research Papers in Economics, a project involving volunteers in seventy-one countries with the objective of spreading economics research. The site itself is a massive database of economics-related journal articles, papers, book and chapter listings, software components, author contact and publication listings, and institutional contact listings. You can browse through most of these items by clicking on their appropriate links in the turquoise box on the main page, then search alphabetically, by country, by publisher, or other ways, depending on the item. The How you can use RePEc section provides links to associated and partner websites for viewing the site’s database, and the RePEc information for participants section includes an About section with links, a link to the site’s blog, how to register yourself and your work with the site, instructions on how to make a working paper archive, tips for people maintaining the site’s archive, information on the benefits for scholarly societies of working with RePEc, a mailing list, a contact link, and other related topics. The Recent activity section features the organizations/publishers that are the most popular in terms of the number of downloads, as well as a list of the site’s major participants.

Website info
title : RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
start date : 2000-02-27
owner : RePEc Team
street : Boston College Economics
city/state : Chestnut Hill MA
country/zip : US 02467
email :
phone : +1 617 552 3673, Fax: +1 617 552 2308
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repec.org MX 0 shuli.openlib.org
Domain information
Created : 2000-02-27
Expires : 2015-02-27
Changed : 2013-07-11
Domain owner
Handle : 400459023380f386
Name : Domain Discreet Privacy Service
Organization : ATTN: repec.org
Address : street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy
city: West Jacksonville
state: FL
pcode: 32258
country: US
Phone : +1.9027492701
Email : c00008f10a16121e23703d09e51adfb7@domaindiscreet.com
Handle : 274427823324f766
Name : Domain Discreet Privacy Service
Organization : ATTN: repec.org
Address : street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy
city: West Jacksonville
state: FL
pcode: 32258
country: US
Phone : +1.9027492701
Email : c00008ef0a16121e77638bcfcbda6400@domaindiscreet.com
Handle : 5721059233c4a096
Name : Domain Discreet Privacy Service
Organization : ATTN: repec.org
Address : street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy
city: West Jacksonville
state: FL
pcode: 32258
country: US
Phone : +1.9027492701
Email : c00008f20a16121e2c332170c211de17@domaindiscreet.com
IP information
IP owner
Handle : BOSTON-3
Organization : Boston College
Address : street: 140 Commonwealth Avenue
city: Chestnut Hill
state: MA
pcode: 02467
country: US
Handle : PT344-ARIN
Name : Thomas, Patricia
Phone : +1-617-552-8000
Email : tricia.thomas@bc.edu
Network IP : -
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Name : BC-NET
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : MURPH11-ARIN
Name : Murphy, Ann
Phone : +1-617-552-8559
Email : murphyab@bc.edu
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