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Rbc.com is the official website of the Royal Bank of Canada, Canada’s largest financial institution, based out of Montreal and Toronto. Since the bank is Canadian, the site can be viewed in either English or French. The front page features a drop-down menu that leads to each of the site’s major subpages: Canada, United States, International, and About RBC. Once you actually go to one of the subpages, the other subpages can be accessed through tabs at the top of the page. At the bottom of the front page are information links that are an alternative to the About RBC subpage, including a corporate profile, the bank’s history, investor relations, and career opportunities. On all three of the other subpages, you can sign in to manage your bank account, handle your mortgage, get credit and debit card rewards, and invest. There is also has a link to the bank’s subsidiary, RBC Capital Markets, which provides banking for corporate entities. Additionally, the site provides advice, resources, privacy and security help and information, and insurance information. There is RBC news at the bottom of each of the subpages, and on each of the regional/national subpages, there is a function on the right for finding an RBC bank near you.

Website info
title : Royal Bank of Canada - RBC
start date : 1994-10-24
owner : Royal Bank of Canada
street : 277 Front St W, 2nd Floor
city/state : Toronto ON
country/zip : Canada M5V 2X4
email :
phone : +1 416 348 5619, Fax: +1 416 348 6723
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rbc bank
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DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
rbc.com A
rbc.com SOA a1.verisigndns.com
rbc.com NS a1.verisigndns.com
rbc.com NS a2.verisigndns.com g4.nstld.com
rbc.com NS a3.verisigndns.com a3.verisigndns.com
rbc.com MX 30 vmxb.rbc.com vmx.rbc.com
rbc.com MX 5 vmx.rbc.com
Domain information
Created : 1994-10-24
Expires : 2015-10-23
Changed : 2013-10-19
IP information
IP owner
Handle : RBC-1
Organization : Royal Bank of Canada
Address : street: 315 Front Street West
4th Floor
city: Toronto
state: ON
pcode: M5V-3A4
country: CA
Handle : RBCPO1-ARIN
Name : RBCPOC01
Phone : +1-999-999-9999
Email : rbcnis@rbc.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-142-245-0-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : NETWO4412-ARIN
Name : Network Abuse
Phone : +1-800-769-2511
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