www.rateyourmusic.com (visit site)

This site is an international metadata database where albums, EP’s, singles, videos and bootlegs are added, rated and reviewed by users. The data is then used to make recommendations for users, to create compatible users, create lists of top rated albums and more. Weighted averages are used when ordering these lists. The more members that write reviews and rate have a greater weight in their ratings. RYM can be used quickly and easily to rate music. It is diverse and not limited in any way. The site contains message boards and private messages and music recommendations.

The titles are rym, find, lists, charts, community and the login/sign up. The site opens with the review, name, and Rate your Music with a star rating and the number of reviews down the left of the page. Next to that are the Latest Ratings. Under that is the News with Videos features and more. The next section is New Releases with names and artists and when it was added. Some of these include Skream, Cyndi Lau per, The Love Language, Git some and more. The bottom of the page has another section for Top Albums from 1967 and All Charts. This goes from 1-5 with the titles and artists. This site can benefit anyone who likes music.

Website info
start date : 2000-12-28
street : Unlisted
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country/zip : Unlisted
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phone : unlisted
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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 6363 alexa rank
alexa.com 3503 alexa inbound links
quantcast.com 10427 quantcast rank
Social Stats
dmoz.org 2 dmoz links
reddit.com 190 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 5214 wikipedia links
G+ 430 Facebook like
8 html errors, 116 css errors
12.00 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (24.30% visitors came from there)
G+ 2 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
rate your music
best song ever
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WWW Server : nginx
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
rateyourmusic.com A
rateyourmusic.com SOA dns0.easydns.com
rateyourmusic.com NS dns1.easydns.com
rateyourmusic.com NS dns2.easydns.net
rateyourmusic.com NS dns3.easydns.ca
rateyourmusic.com MX 5 alt1.aspmx.l.google.com qa-in-f26.1e100.net
rateyourmusic.com MX 1 aspmx.l.google.com ob-in-f26.1e100.net
Domain information
Created : 2000-12-28
Expires : 2014-12-28
Changed : 2013-10-22
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