www.purecrush.com (visit site)

Purecrush.com sends flirting tips to users over 18 for $9.99 per month, charged on a wireless account or deducted from a prepaid balance. This site reaches a young and mostly female audience. The service is available via supported wireless devices, making downloadable data such as messages, chat services, information and mobile entertainment, (ringtones, voice mail, games and graphics) available to users. The home page contains a summary of the Terms and Conditions, including notice that purecrush.com is an auto renewing subscription service that will continue until cancelled. There is a detailed breakdown of the different services available, which depend on the user’s wireless account. And finally, there is a link to the full Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Users are advised that the service uses Persistent Cookies which will remain on the user’s computer. The home page advises the user that they already have an unread message, a “Crush alert” and urges them to enter their name to reveal the secret crush. Help is available via an automated text or a 1800 number to access a live operator. Standard messages charges apply. This is a very straight forward, functional website. There is no attempt to woo the user, no options for a free try out. Either the user pays and plays straight away, or they don’t.

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WWW Server : Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)
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JavaScript Library:
MooTools MooTools is a lightweight framework written in JavaScript language based on the MIT license. With MooTools you can create flexible, browser compatible, efficient, and consistent applications code.
SWFObject Library SWFObject is a very simple and user-friendly method for the insertion of components made in Flash on websites with a single javascript file.
PHP PHP is a scripting language used for object-oriented programming of dynamic websites. PHP is usually used on the server WWW site, but also can be used to create programs running in graphical mode if we use the appropriate libraries. Sometimes PHP is also used to process data by the command line.
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purecrush.com NS pdns72.ultradns.co.uk
purecrush.com NS pdns72.ultradns.com
purecrush.com NS pdns72.ultradns.org
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purecrush.com NS pdns72.ultradns.biz
Domain information
Created : 2008-01-21
Expires : 2015-01-21
Changed : 2013-07-24
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