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Pressdemocrat.com is the official website of The Press Democrat, a Santa Rosa-based daily newspaper. The newspaper was formerly created as a voice for the Democratic Party, but it has since been bought out by the New York Times Company and now largely focuses on local Santa Rosa news. The site is similar to most news/newspaper websites, with a front page with featured news articles and multiple subpages on different topics, like Business, Sports, and Entertainment. The site also features Classifieds and real estate, car, and job listings. At the top of the page are links to various related websites, like watchsonomacounty.com, town-based news for each of the major towns/cities in Sonoma County at yourtown.pressdemocrat.com, and pressdemocrat.com’s various blogs. As a news/newspaper site, the site has weather information (which you can get for any town in Sonoma County and for select other places in California), a link to sign up for the actual newspaper, ads from local businesses (which are printable), and community forums. Other features on the site include a list of hot topics at the top of the front page for easy browsing, polls, an event calendar (to which you can submit events), tracking of local crime, a place to report local items (like street lights) that need to be fixed, and more.

Website info
title : Santa Rosa News, Weather, Sports and Business | PressDemocrat.com | The Press Democrat
start date : 1997-04-14
owner : The Press Democrat
street : 427 Mendocino Ave
city/state : Santa Rosa CA
country/zip : US 95402
email :
phone : +1 707 975 1532, Fax: +1 707 521 5234
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WWW Server : Apache
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pressdemocrat.com MX 20 d26046b.ess.barracudanetworks.com mail.ess.barracuda.com
Domain information
Created : 1997-04-14
Expires : 2018-04-15
Changed : 2013-01-25
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