www.pchlotto.com (visit site)

PCH stands for Publishers Clearing House. Publishers Clearing House is one of the largest and most successful direct marketing companies in the world. Founded in 1953 as a magazine circulation agency selling discounted subscriptions by direct mail, Publishers Clearing House has since increased consumer response with the addition of TV campaigns - now featuring the Prize Patrol, a team of PCH employees that travels to locations near and far to award prizewinners of thousands and millions of dollars. To broaden its business, Publishers Clearing House began offering a wide variety of merchandise in 1985 that now accounts for well over half of the company's sales. In 1999, Publishers Clearing House launched its website, pch.com, providing online means to enter sweepstakes, additional prizewinning opportunities and product offerings. A family of websites emerged in 2008, presenting exciting, new ways to win. The company's great success with magazine subscription offers, sweepstakes and its online service paved the way for a new family of websites. These micro sites began to take shape in 2000 with the launch of PCH Lotto, a destination site where anyone could pick and play lotto numbers for a chance to become a millionaire. A re-launch of PCH Lotto in 2008 was quickly followed by the arrival of PCH Games, PCHQuiz4Cash, PCH Scratch Cards, PCH Share & Win and the newest endeavor PCH trivia. Here's a brief overview of the micro sites.

Website info
title : Lotto Online - Free to Play Scratch Off Game - Instant Winners Every Day | PCHLotto
start date : 2000-08-02
owner : Publishers Clearing House
street : 382 Channel Dr
city/state : Port Washington NY
country/zip : US 11050
email :
phone : +1 516 883 5432
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Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
DoubleClick DoubleClick is a platform designed to manage advertising for creators, sellers, and buyers of digital media from around the World. DoubleClick mainly deals with banner advertising and animations. DoubleClick also reports on innovative solutions in the industry, and trends that prevail in it.
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Addthis AddThis is a widget that allows you to add your website to the most popular social networking sites. Easier access to content for users is a great way to free publicity.
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jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
SWFObject Library SWFObject is a very simple and user-friendly method for the insertion of components made in Flash on websites with a single javascript file.
PHP PHP is a scripting language used for object-oriented programming of dynamic websites. PHP is usually used on the server WWW site, but also can be used to create programs running in graphical mode if we use the appropriate libraries. Sometimes PHP is also used to process data by the command line.
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Domain information
Created : 2000-08-02
Expires : 2015-08-02
Changed : 2013-10-28
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