www.paypal-shopping.com (visit site)

PayPal-shopping.com is the online shopping section of the popular Ebay money transfer service. The home page displays third party merchant specials that accept PayPal as payment for purchases. Users may also select the store directory tab and browse featured stores and specials by category or alphabetically. The participating merchants vary from department stores, drug stores, electronics, airlines, major brands and more.
Users may also select the ‘Find Products’ tab to search for specific items by keyword. Deals include savings on shipping, a specific dollar amount off a purchase and percentage discounts by purchase amount. A number of featured deals require entering a promotional code at the partner website. Users are advised offers are subject to change at any time and may include additional terms. When applicable, additional terms may be found on the merchant’s website. As of the date of this review not all links were valid.
The PayPal website is accessible from this address via a link found at the top of the landing page. Users may also follow this site on Twitter and Facebook. Links are found at the bottom of the page for information on ‘Fees’, ‘Merchant Services’, ‘Legal Agreements’, the site’s Privacy Policy and feedback. Links are present for Ebay and the PayPal blog. ‘About Us’ and contact links are also located in this area.

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alexa.com 4056062 alexa rank
alexa.com 17 alexa inbound links
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15 html errors, 24 css errors
1.00 page views per user
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paypal shopping
paypal promo
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jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
jQuery UI jQuery UI is the official library of user interface used in jQuery. It provides a variety of patterns, themes, and advanced and multi-level effects, which are necessary for creating web applications.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
paypal-shopping.com A
paypal-shopping.com SOA ppns1.phx.paypal.com
paypal-shopping.com NS ns3.isc-sns.info
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paypal-shopping.com MX 10 data.ebay.com
paypal-shopping.com MX 10 lore.ebay.com
paypal-shopping.com MX 10 gort.ebay.com
Domain information
Created : 2006-11-07
Expires : 2018-11-07
Changed : 2011-08-24
IP information
IP owner
Handle : I4COM
Organization : Bill Me Later
Address : street: 9690 Deereco Rd
city: Timonium
state: MD
pcode: 21093
country: US
Handle : JSE128-ARIN
Name : Sellers, Justin
Phone : +1-443-921-3259
Email : justin.sellers@billmelater.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-208-76-140-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : JHA392-ARIN
Name : Hartman, Jeremy
Phone : +1-443-921-1480
Email : Jeremy.hartman@billmelater.com
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