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Online-education.net is a website that helps students with the online colleges and universities that are best for them. The website hopes to attract those who are interested in obtaining their degrees online or even those who are interested in earning their high school diplomas. The website offers resources and the flexibility that many of these students need in order to make education match their busy schedules. The homepage of the website is full of informational sections. The content on the homepage is organized under: online degrees, featured programs, top college towns, learn about online colleges, featured colleges, follow us, careers on the rise, career news, top online colleges, online education by state, you might like, online degree program of the day, featured campus programs. The website can connect with users with Associate degrees, Bachelor Degrees, Master Degrees, certification, career diploma, and high school diploma. The website also works a great tool that visitors can use to compare the pros and cons of the online colleges that they may be interested in. Visitors can navigate the website using the links of online courses, online degrees, online colleges, career training, real estate courses, online MBA, accreditation, e-learning library, college campuses, and jobs.

Website info
title : Online Education.net - Courses, Degrees, Online College Course Directory
start date : 2002-01-19
owner : Online-Education.net
street : 701 Aquarena Springs Dr 202C
city/state : San Marcos TX
country/zip : US 78666
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phone : +1 512 353 6719
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Changed : 2012-05-10
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