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Nysed.gov is the official website for the New York Education Department. The department is also a part of the University of the State of New York. The website states that its goal is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of the people of New York. The first main branch of the department is elementary, middle school, and continuing education (P12-EMSC). The second main branch is higher education (OHE). The third main branch is the Office of Cultural Education (OCE). The fourth branch is the Office of Operations and Management Services (OMS). The fifth branch is the office of Professions (OP). The final main branch is the vocational and education services for individuals with disabilities (VESID). The website basically serves as in informational and news source for New York parents, students, and educators. The homepage features news, links to popular topics. It also has links to subjects such as testing, teacher certification, GED, disability services, school report cards, and incorporation issues. The website divides its information for parents, teachers, administrators, licensed professionals, and the public. It also contains a general listing containing the categories of about NYSED, program offices, news room, business portal, finance & business and policy & guidance.

Website info
title : New York State Education Department
owner : New York State Education Department
street : 89 Washington Ave.
city/state : Albany NY
country/zip : USA 12234
email :
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WWW Server : Apache
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host Record Name IP Reverse
nysed.gov A
nysed.gov SOA srv21.nysed.gov
nysed.gov NS srv21.nysed.gov
nysed.gov NS dbru.br.ns.els-gms.att.net
nysed.gov NS dmtu.mt.ns.els-gms.att.net
Domain information
IP information
IP owner
Handle : NYSED
Organization : New York State Education Department
Address : street: 89 Washington Ave.
city: Albany
state: NY
pcode: 12234
country: US
Handle : EJ21-ARIN
Name : Jackson, Eric
Phone : +1-518-486-4900
Email : netadm@mail.nysed.gov
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-149-10-0-0-1
Name : NYSED
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : EJ21-ARIN
Name : Jackson, Eric
Phone : +1-518-486-4900
Email : netadm@mail.nysed.gov
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