www.ny.gov (visit site)

Ny.gov is the official website for the state of New York. On the homepage of website users will find the latest information, and news regarding the state of New York. The homepage has content organized under the categories of executive, legislative, and judicial. From these sections can learn more about the state’s government, and the state’s officials. Citizen can find important links directly from the homepage of the website. The homepage provides resources for working families. The homepage contains a quick link to New York’s Guide to the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The homepage also contains more quick links under the categories of birth certificates and vital records, business permits and licensing, child health plan, do not call Lists, lottery results, my Benefits, physician profiles, saving for college, state laws, state employment, taxes and e-filling, and more. The website organizes its resources under the categories of business, education, family, health, law and order, consumer info, environment, government, housing, transportation, career/employment, licensing and credentials, recreation/tourism, tax information, how do I, and open meeting webcasts. The website is a good source citizens, non citizens, government employees, business owners, and potential business owners.

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title : WWW.NY.GOV
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Popular Query keywords
new york lottery
ny lottery
nys dmv
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
Server OS : Red Hat
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: UTF-8
Server: Header: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
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DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
ny.gov A
ny.gov SOA cbru.br.ns.els-gms.att.net
ny.gov NS cmtu.mt.ns.els-gms.att.net
ny.gov NS cbru.br.ns.els-gms.att.net
ny.gov MX 10 mail.us.messaging.microsoft.com mail.global.frontbridge.com
Domain information
IP information
IP owner
Handle : NYS
Organization : New York State
Address : street: Office For Technology
ESP, Room 120, Concourse
city: Albany
state: NY
pcode: 12242
country: US
Handle : TC56-ARIN
Name : Cullen, Tom
Phone : +1-518-473-5761
Email : mark.defruscio@cio.ny.gov
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-170-123-0-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : MRD2-ARIN
Name : DeFruscio, Mark R.
Phone : +1-518-474-1992
Email : mark.defruscio@cio.ny.gov
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