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Founded in 1851, Northwestern University, at hove one of the largest diverse group among all of the other universities in the United Sates. With students from all fifty states, and more than fifty countries, and a variety of backgrounds, they truly enjoy being diverse school. Every year, Northwestern enrolls about two thousand first year students from across the United States and around the world. At Northwestern University Study they strives to be creative, proactive, and responsive, and to emulate and set best practices in the education while adhering to the Standards of Good Practice and the Code of Ethics set by the Forum on Education. The Northwestern University also have a wonderful program, which the program. Study Abroad program enriches the undergraduate curriculum by providing students with rigorous immersion opportunities abroad. These transformative experiences shape the way students think about themselves, their communities, and the world. Some of those thing the faculties are dong to help student who are studying abroad, includes Work with study abroad students before they leave, while they are abroad, and after they return to help integrate their experiences into their Northwestern undergraduate careers, that way so can Continuously assess and improve study abroad. Knowing that the have faculty and administrators working in all six Northwestern schools that can be a challenge some times but they get done.

Website info
title : Northwestern University
start date : 1999-02-18
owner : Northwestern University
street : 2001 Sheridan Rd Leverone Hall G162
city/state : Evanston IL
country/zip : US 60201
email :
phone : +1 847 491 4030, Fax: +1 847 467 5690
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Domain information
Created : 1999-02-18
Changed : 2011-07-05
Domain owner
Name : Northwestern University
Address : 2001 Sheridan Rd Leverone Hall G162
Evanston, IL 60201
Name : Northwestern University Telecom and Network Services
Address : Northwestern University
2001 Sheridan Rd
Leverone Hall Rm G166
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone : (847) 467-6662
Email : tns-nt@ci.northwestern.edu
Name : Northwestern University Telecom and Network Services
Address : Northwestern University
2001 Sheridan Rd
Leverone Hall Rm G166
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone : (847) 467-6662
Email : tns-nt@ci.northwestern.edu
IP information
IP owner
Handle : NORTHW-9-Z
Organization : Northwestern University
Address : street: Leverone Hall #G-166
2001 Sheridan Rd
city: Evanston
state: IL
pcode: 60208
country: US
Handle : NUNA-ARIN
Name : Northwestern University Network Administration
Phone : +1-847-467-6662
Email : tns-nt@ci.northwestern.edu
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-129-105-0-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : NUNS-ARIN
Name : Northwestern University Network Security
Phone : +1-847-467-6662
Email : security@northwestern.edu
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