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This is a site packed with everything sports! It is a simple site and well laid out so you can find exactly what you are looking for. NCAA.com is partnered with CBS Sports which is the pulse of college sports. It is simple site with some red and blue accents. The perfect colors for sports enthusiasts. You can find baseball, lacrosse, ice hockey, gymnastics, tennis, water polo and every other sport that is out there and played today. Most of the sports are split into divisions to make it easy to find what you are looking for as far as teams.

Men and college students definitely love this site and probably register in droves! At the top you can select a sport from a huge list and get all the information you could possibly need like rankings, news, history, photos and more. Along with that there is an alphabetical list of NCAA schools and men’s and women’s championships and the divisions. You can find out statistics and rankings just by clicking the appropriate heading. The multimedia link will give you photos, videos and a photo store. The photos are packed with life and will make you feel like you are really in the game or at the event.

You can check out students and athlete’s blogs for the latest on what is happening in the college sports world. You can do some shopping for shirts, pictures, DVDs and tickets. The site is packed with sports but you can also fine interactive games, video player, video links, pod central and more. You can check out other NCAA sites like Double-A-Zone, Hoop City, Yes Clinics and Hall of Champions. The office also publishes a section with news, advertising, broadcasting and feedback. Want to know what teams are in the record books well you can find out on NCAA.com.

Website info
title : NCAA.com – The Official Website of NCAA Championships
start date : 1997-12-30
owner : National Collegiate Athletic Association
street : 700 W Washington St
city/state : Indianapolis IN
country/zip : US 46204
email :
phone : +1 317 917 6523, Fax: +1 317 917 6807
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Domain information
Created : 1997-12-30
Expires : 2018-12-29
Changed : 2010-12-02
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