www.nationalcarinsurancesite.com favicon nationalcarinsurancesite.com (visit site)

This website was design one purpose only which is to sale insurance. Unlike of the other website I have come across on the internet, this site is very simple, seating here going trying to browse in this website, I am thing it is a little too simple. like most other insurance company when you log in to then you will find a lot of options for example if you are looking for a car insurance some company give to option choose by mileages, or if you are looking for a health insurance, you have the option four or five different plans, and you can choose the plan you want and see how much you will have to pay every month. Well this website is not like that as a matter of fact this site is nothing like that? when you go the website it ask you to choose the state are leaving in, and when you choose the state it pull about ten or fifteen different insurance companies, and let you go to them one by one. That way you can compare the prices, the only thing I really don’t like about the website, it have five different link, and when you click on all five of them the all take you to the same place.

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