www.lightspeedpanel.com (visit site)

Founded in 2000 by the Kantar Group, the information, insight and consultancy division they have become the world leader in communications services. Through their online global panels and products, we deliver valuable data to help businesses make. Lightspeed Research has developed a suite of technology enhanced products to provide research solutions that that go beyond their global panels to meet specific needs from financial insights, to employee surveys, to mobile researches. Based in Princeton, New Jersey, Light speed Research has offices throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, and Bulgaria. Light speed Research is a member of AMSRO, ESOMAR, ARF, CASRO, MRA, IMRO, CMOR, PBIRG, and AIMRI and is a MRS Company partner. They main purpose in this business is to Investigate and adopt new technologies to improve our capabilities and continually meet and surpass our clients’ expectations. Develop and implement business processes to achieve continuous improvement and operational excellence, because they Recognize that the value of knowledge and information and actively promote networking, free expression and knowledge management throughout the company is one of the best way for them to succeed in the market the way they really want to be.

Website info
start date : 2000-02-11
owner : Lightspeed Online Research, Inc.
street : 180 Mount Airy Rd Ste 100
city/state : Basking Ridge NJ
country/zip : US 07920
email :
phone : +1 908 630 0542, Fax: +1 908 630 9436
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lightspeed research
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WWW Server : Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
Server OS : Red Hat
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lightspeedpanel.com A
lightspeedpanel.com SOA nadns1.grpitsrv.com
lightspeedpanel.com NS apdns1.grpitsrv.com
lightspeedpanel.com NS nadns1.grpitsrv.com
lightspeedpanel.com NS ukdns1.grpitsrv.com mbukdns1.milwrdbrn.com
lightspeedpanel.com MX 10 ewr-mx01.lightspeedresearch.com
lightspeedpanel.com MX 20 ewr-mx03.lightspeedresearch.com
Domain information
Created : 2000-02-11
Expires : 2015-02-11
Changed : 2012-07-06
IP information
IP owner
Handle : MILLWA
Organization : Millward Brown, Inc.
Address : street: 3333 Warrenville Road, Suite 400
city: Lisle
state: IL
pcode: 60532
country: US
Handle : MURPH12-ARIN
Name : Murphy, Patrick
Phone : +1-630-955-8893
Email : patrick.murphy@kantaritp.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-198-178-234-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : FIELD10-ARIN
Name : Field, Mark
Phone : +44 1926 826007
Email : patrick.murphy@kantaritp.com,jesus.valmores@kantaritp.com,mark.field@kantaritp.com
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