www.kenrockwell.com favicon kenrockwell.com (visit site)

This site is straightforward and simple. Basically it is a write-up from Ken Rockwell and his family opposing the legislation and bills ABX8 and SBX8 8 from California that would put his free website off the air. He includes some click on links of articles from the San Francisco Chronicle and another one from the Los Angeles Times. He goes on to explain these bills hope to collect $150 million in sales taxes a year and he doesn’t want to be part of that through his work and site. Ken goes on to explain that if these bills pass he will be fired.
He explains that Amazon is canceling its California contracts, which mean him and his site! He further explains that the sites that support him would have to collect and remit taxes for every order they would ship to California. The point is that he fears that his family and he would be left homeless! If his site goes off the air then the bills become law. There is another link for what you can do to help and there is a list of assembly members that you can contact along with their phone numbers. The bottom of the page has some other links along with pictures of him and his family, which are enduring.

Website info
title : KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictures
start date : 1999-10-13
owner : Rockwell, Ken
street : 130 7th Avenue #1307
city/state : New York NY
country/zip : US 10011
email :
phone : 858 453 2099 123 123 1234
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Popular Query keywords
ken rockwell
how to use photoshop
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WWW Server : Apache
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Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Server: Header: Apache
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host Record Name IP Reverse
kenrockwell.com A
kenrockwell.com SOA ns.siteprotect.com
kenrockwell.com NS a.dns.hostway.net
kenrockwell.com NS b.dns.hostway.net
kenrockwell.com MX 10 mail.kenrockwell.com mx0.mfg.onr.siteprotect.com
Domain information
Created : 1999-10-13
Expires : 2018-10-13
Changed : 2011-07-25
IP information
IP owner
Handle : AFFI
Organization : Affinity Internet, Inc
Address : street: Corporate headquarters
3250 W. Commercial Blvd.
city: Ft. Lauderdale
state: FL
pcode: 33309
country: US
Handle : ZA94-ARIN
Name : Affinity Internet IP Management Group
Phone : +1-954-334-8080
Email : ip-admin@affinity.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-64-71-32-0-1
Name : AHNET-BLK-2
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : ABUSE649-ARIN
Name : Abuse
Phone : +1-954-334-8080
Email : abuse@affinity.com
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