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A good resource for new and used car prices. This site features an easy to use search tool where you can search by year, make and model or by car category. Once you put in your zip code, the website compiles a list of available vehicles in your area. Each entry shows a picture, mileage and price for the car. You also have access to the owner’s information such as email and phone numbers.

A helpful tool is the Loan Calculator. This is powered by Capital One and is an easy way to calculate what your monthly payments could be. It is easy to use. You simply put in different variables like loan amount, interest rate and loan term. You don’t need a membership to use this site.

Another good feature is the email link. This way you can email information that you find to a friend. This website features the latest car reviews that you can also subscribe to via RSS.

Kbb.com is not only limited to car values. You can also get access to motorcycle, personal watercraft, and snowmobile values. The Kbb Green feature gives you access to hybrid, diesel and ethanol cars information. If you are hesitant about purchasing a fuel efficient vehicle, tools that can help you in your decision are the “Should I trade in my car” and “Fuel efficiency” challenges. Here you can compare your current vehicle against fuel efficient vehicles. Most of the users for this website are males. This website also attracts an affluent audience.

Website info
start date : 1995-08-05
owner : Kelley Blue Book
street : 195 Technology Dr
city/state : Irvine CA
country/zip : US 92618
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phone : +1 949 770 7704, Fax: +1 949 837 1904
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kelly blue book
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Expires : 2023-08-04
Changed : 2013-08-04
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