www.jr.com (visit site)

Jr.com is the website of J&R Music World, a retail company formed in 1971 that specializes in consumer electronics. The site is owned and operated by J&R Electronics, Inc.

The homepage features links to the latest music news, special deals, and electronics for sale. The homepage also features a list of products by category and a ‘Deals of the Day’ section at the bottom of the page. The menu on the left displays a list of product categories and subcategories, as well as links to advertised specials featured in the New York Times, Am New York, and other print publications.

The ‘Categories’ tab displays links to all product categories and subcategories for simplified browsing. Each product page contains pricing information, shipping information, a brief description of the product, a list of recommended accessories, a ‘Store Stock’ section that lists the stores where the product is in stock, a list of similar products, and product reviews.

The ‘Brands’ section displays a thumbnail list of brands, as well as an numbers and letters that visitors can use to browse brands by name. The ‘Boutiques’ section features an alphabetical brand list of product boutiques available on the site. Product Boutique pages features products and accessories for only that product brand or model. The ‘Deals’ section features a list of promotions featured on the site, on other websites, and on TV, radio, and printed publications. The ‘Blog’ section features a list of blogs in several product categories that feature product reviews and information, as well as company news and updates. The ‘Learn’ section displays links to product guides sorted by product. The ‘Events’ section displays a list of upcoming live events at J&R locations, such as signings, performances, and seminars. The ‘Help’ section displays links to common topics and a link to company contact information.

Website info
start date : 1995-07-27
owner : J&R Electronics
street : 23 Park Row, 4th Floor
city/state : New York NY
country/zip : US 10038
email :
phone : +1 212 238 9000, Fax: +1 212 238 9151
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reddit.com 50 reddit entry
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G+ 610 Facebook like
33 html errors, 40 css errors
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G+ 8513 Tweets
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j and r
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Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
YouTube YouTube is the most popular website providing videos. Registration on this site is free and everyone registered there can view the movies and upload their own films. Available here are: movie trailers, music videos, amateur videos, instructional videos, etc.
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host Record Name IP Reverse
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jr.com MX 10 mailqe.jr.com
jr.com MX 10 mail.jr.com
Domain information
Created : 1994-09-19
Expires : 2023-09-18
Changed : 2013-09-18
IP information
IP owner
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Organization : Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Address : street: 1025 Eldorado Blvd.
city: Broomfield
state: CO
pcode: 80021
country: US
Handle : IPADD5-ARIN
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Phone : +1-877-453-8353
Email : ipaddressing@level3.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-4-0-0-0-1
Name : LVLT-ORG-4-8
Status : Direct Allocation
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