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Joeant.com is a somewhat ambiguous site. On one hand, the site offers a bevy of information about the economic life about the United States government. These are the beginning stages of the site where information about the central bank and its duties were posed. The Central Bank, according to the site, is essential to changing up the economic weather of the United States along with the Federal government. The Central Bank is in charge of monetary policy while the Federal government is in charge of fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is not always liked because it has side effects which include the crowding out effect. The crowding out effect is where the government borrows more than they spend and in turn, they crowd out private investors. Monetary policy, which the site focuses on, is a way to combat either a recession or inflation through open market operations or the buying and selling of bonds. Both are risky, but monetary policy is seen as the riskier choice because the public may not always be responsive to it. But the payback for it is generally more. THIs site is great for people looking to get in depth in either economics or the government.

Website info
title : JoeAnt.com Directory
start date : 2000-09-06
owner : Webtofu Inc., G. David
street : 7760 E. Hwy. 69 - C5 #250
city/state : Prescott Valley AZ
country/zip : US 86314
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phone : +1 702 440 2155
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Expires : 2015-09-06
Changed : 2013-10-16
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