www.iqquizapp.com (visit site)

Iqquizapp.com is a website that offers a free IQ test to anyone who is willing. The online iq quiz offers a number of questions that are intended on measuring one’s intelligence. Upon entering the website, the user is prompted with the first question on the IQ quiz. The IQ quiz starts with that question and there is reason to complete the quiz because there are cell phone promotions on the site. When the IQ testis complete, a number of promotions are available. One of the promotions is the amazing facts promotion. If one chooses to, they can get Amazing facts information sent to them at the cheap price of 9.99. Also, a cell phone can be won pending the results of the IQ test. Different types of cell phone carriers can be obtained too. They range from AT&T to T Mobile and Verizon. Sprint users can also find a good phone through these promotions. This site is a very helpful and useful site for anyone who would like to find out their IQ scores. Their scores can be obtained with a quick set of questions to be answered. Also, the site is good for anyone who would want a cell phone through promotion.

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