www.internetbrandsurvey.com (visit site)

Internet Brand Surveys (not “internet brand survey” does not exist, one is redirected to internetbrandsurveyS.com), at first glance, appears to be a scam site that offers a 500 dollar gift card from either Target, Toys R Us, Lowes or Victoria's Secret when entering your email. However, to receive your gift, you must participate in at least thirteen offers from sponsors. In order to claim the gift card, Internet Brands Surveys must also receive written notification from the sponsors in order to receive your gift. For that reason, Internet Brand Surveys recommends that the participant keep track of and print any material that can confirm their participation in the offer just in case the sponsor fails to notify Internet Brand Surveys about the participants’ participation in the offer in a timely manner. The main page for Internet Brand Survey consists of only text with no images or tabs. Link are, however, located at the bottom of the page. The links are titled Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Gift Rules, Unsubscribe, Contact, and example of sponsors. Under Example of Sponsors the participant can view example of the offers that they would have to complete in order to qualify for the 500 dollar gift card.

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