www.ilike.com (visit site)

This is an all in one music site. With iLike.com you can get concert alerts in iTunes, share playlists and recommendations from friends. There are over 50 million users across Facebook, Bebo, Orkut, hi5, and iGoogle. You can sign up and manage your profile. On the site you will find streaming videos on albums and the popular artists for the week. You can enter an artist’s name and play their music or listen to a playlist with your favorite genre of music.

There is a section that shows you the recent song picks by iLike users. Another section shows you the week’s fastest growing garage band songs. Another weeks fastest spreading songs. If you want to know what concerts are playing in your area there is a section for that too. You can even get tickets! There is a section to view the week’s fastest growing garage band songs and weekly picks and you can see the fastest spreading songs.

Add iLike to iTunes and other networks like Facebook, MySpace and Orkut. What is most exciting about this site is that it is visited by music artists who post videos and make comments and tweets on the site. Artist featured now are Keith Urban, Savage Garden, Aerosmith, Coldplay. You can play the iLike Challenge game where you listen to music and name the artist or song. The last two sections give you a list of the most popular tags and the most popular artist on iLike.

Website info
title : Myspace
start date : 1997-12-05
owner : iLike, Inc.
street : 1605 Boylston Ave, #202
city/state : Seattle WA
country/zip : US 98122
email :
phone : 415.704.3432
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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 18353926 alexa rank
alexa.com 4713 alexa inbound links
Social Stats
dmoz.org 1 dmoz links
reddit.com 80 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 283 wikipedia links
G+ 6414 Facebook like
77 html errors, 67 css errors
1.00 page views per user
G+ 1229 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
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Server info
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
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Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
Akamai Akamai helps companies create web bussiness through application acceleration, performance management, supply of content for web pages and streaming media.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
ilike.com A
ilike.com A
ilike.com SOA ns1-128.akam.net
ilike.com NS ns4-66.akam.net
ilike.com NS ns5-67.akam.net a184-85-248-67.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com
ilike.com NS ns7-67.akam.net a96-7-49-67.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com
ilike.com NS ns1-128.akam.net
Domain information
Created : 1997-12-05
Expires : 2015-05-01
Changed : 2013-05-02
IP information
IP owner
Handle : MYSPA
Organization : Myspace, Inc.
Address : street: 407 N Maple Dr
city: Beverly Hills
state: CA
pcode: 90210
country: US
Handle : NETWO3859-ARIN
Name : Network Engineering
Phone : +1-310-969-7395
Email : networkengineers@myspace-inc.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-63-135-80-0-1
Name : MYSPA-3
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : NETWO3859-ARIN
Name : Network Engineering
Phone : +1-310-969-7395
Email : networkengineers@myspace-inc.com
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