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With Hotel-Guides.com you can get real deals, real service and real easy booking on hotels for all your vacation and trip needs. The site itself is comprehensive and colorful with images of travel in soft shades. The top of the page has Us Hotels, Canada Hotels, change reservations, cancel reservations and contact us. They give you seven reasons why you should book with this site. The site boasts the best hotel reviews, discounts and lowest rates.

They are accredited and have 2.6 million reservations since 2003. For customer convenience there is a hotel search box and a section about hotel-guides, reviews, ratings, tips, pets, group rates, vacation rentals and car rentals. You can find a list of popular US destinations and a list of hotels near attractions and guest reviews by states and provinces and other countries. What was truly impressive about his site is the long list of quotes by satisfied customers.

Not only does it say so much about positive outlooks on the site but it is interesting to read the comments. At the bottom you can find out about the site, the privacy policy and security and other travel resources you may be interested in checking into.

Website info
title : HotelGuides.com - Hotel Guides, Maps & Reservations Made Easy
start date : 2002-06-06
owner : SCIway, Llc
street : PO Box 13318
city/state : James Island SC
country/zip : US 29422
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phone : +1 843 814 5885
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Domain information
Created : 2002-06-06
Expires : 2019-06-05
Changed : 2010-01-17
Domain owner
Handle : DI_3172875
Name : Rod Welch
Organization : HotelGuides.com, Inc
Address : street: PO Box 13318
city: Charleston
state: South Carolina
pcode: 29422
country: United States
Phone : +1.8438145885
Email : rod.welch@hotelguides.com
Handle : DI_3172875
Name : Rod Welch
Organization : HotelGuides.com, Inc
Address : street: PO Box 13318
city: Charleston
state: South Carolina
pcode: 29422
country: United States
Phone : +1.8438145885
Email : rod.welch@hotelguides.com
Handle : DI_10962494
Name : Wendy Welch
Organization : HotelGuides.com
Address : street: 1362 Stone Post Road
city: James Island
state: South Carolina
pcode: 29412
country: United States
Phone : +001.8438145885
Email : wendy@hotelguides.com
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