www.healthsquare.com (visit site)

Healthsquare.com is a site that has the purpose of bringing health information to the general public. However, the primary function of the site is to give the general public information about prescribed drugs and prescription drugs. The site has its own share of advertisements that are made by external entities. However, there is a search bar on the site that proves that it is self sufficient and runs the engine by itself, without the assistance of Google. The search bar is instead powered by Healthline, which is a trusted health care company, ensuring medical related news. There is a section called Top Drugs where anyone can get detailed information about certain drugs such as Premarin, Imitrex, Avodart, and Viagra. There is a similar section besides it which allows the user to browse drugs by condition. There is also a list of sister sites at the left side of the page headed by heathcentral.com where topics such as food & fitness, heart, herpes, breast cancer, and erectile dysfunction. Underneath the search bar is a drug listing from A through Z. This site is great for anyone looking to make a serious run at a medical career such as the aspiring pharmacists.

Website info
title : Medications at HealthCentral
start date : 1997-03-10
owner : ChoiceMedia Inc.
street : 68 E Main St
city/state : Somerville NJ
country/zip : US 08876
email :
phone : +1 908 203 5200 x19, Fax: +1 908 203 5207
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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 563 alexa inbound links
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dmoz.org 10 dmoz links
reddit.com 2 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 10 wikipedia links
G+ 1 Facebook like
40 html errors, 82 css errors
0.00 page views per user
G+ 20 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
women health
images of chlorex
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : Apache/2.2.25 (Amazon)
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: UTF-8
Server: Header: Apache/2.2.25 (Amazon)
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
YouTube YouTube is the most popular website providing videos. Registration on this site is free and everyone registered there can view the movies and upload their own films. Available here are: movie trailers, music videos, amateur videos, instructional videos, etc.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
healthsquare.com A
healthsquare.com SOA ns1.datapipe.net
healthsquare.com NS ns1.datapipe.net
healthsquare.com NS ns2.datapipe.net
Domain information
Created : 1997-03-10
Expires : 2014-03-11
Changed : 2008-03-05
Domain owner
IP information
IP owner
Handle : AMAZO-4
Organization : Amazon.com, Inc.
Address : street: Amazon Web Services, Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2
1200 12th Avenue South
city: Seattle
state: WA
pcode: 98144
country: US
Handle : ANO24-ARIN
Name : Amazon EC2 Network Operations
Phone : +1-206-266-4064
Email : aes-noc@amazon.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-54-221-0-0-1
Status : Reallocated
Handle : AEA8-ARIN
Name : Amazon EC2 Abuse
Phone : +1-206-266-4064
Email : ec2-abuse@amazon.com
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