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Guitarcenter.com is the website of Guitar Center, a retail company founded in 1959 that specializes in musical instruments.

The homepage showcases the latest products and deals available, as well as a list of featured products.

The ‘Buy Online’ section features links to all the products sold by the company sorted by instrument and accessories, books, videos, and apparel.

The ‘Events’ section features links to in-store events, such as concerts and musician appearances, and ‘Learn to Play’ events. This section also features the latest store blog posts at guitarcenterblog.com and links to artist interviews.

The ‘Platinum Gear Section’ features the latest musician series guitars and popular brand guitars. The ‘Used Gear’ section lists the latest used instruments available in stores, along with a ‘Used Gear Search’ tool that lets visitors search for used instruments by keyword, category, price range, and location. Visitors can also click the ‘Sell Your Gear’ link to sell used instruments to Guitar Center.

The ‘Vintage’ section lets visitors search for vintage guitars by year, make, and model, and provides information about the company’s vintage showrooms in New York City and Hollywood, California.

The ‘Musician Services’ section provides links services provided to musicians, such as CD duplication and online classes.

Website info
start date : 1995-03-17
owner : Guitar Center, Inc.
street : PO Box 5111
city/state : Thousand Oaks CA
country/zip : US 91359
email :
phone : +1 818 735 8800
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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 4481 alexa rank
alexa.com 5141 alexa inbound links
quantcast.com 1268 quantcast rank
Social Stats
dmoz.org 3 dmoz links
reddit.com 120 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 87 wikipedia links
G+ 4314 Facebook like
229 html errors, 90 css errors
5.54 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (80.20% visitors came from there)
G+ 5440 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
guitar center
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YouTube YouTube is the most popular website providing videos. Registration on this site is free and everyone registered there can view the movies and upload their own films. Available here are: movie trailers, music videos, amateur videos, instructional videos, etc.
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DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
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Domain information
Created : 1995-03-17
Expires : 2014-03-18
Changed : 2013-04-23
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Email : ip-admin@akamai.com
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