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Findagrave.com is a free website dedicated to grave sites. Users may search the site's database for the graves of famous people, or of friends and relatives. Search options include by date of death, and by date of birth. Users may also browse by location, 'recently added names', and 'most popular searches'. The site also contains 'interesting' epitaphs and monuments, a surname index, an 'online cemetery' and discussion forums.
The information available on the graves of famous people is much more extensive than what is available for genealogy purposes. The majority of the listings have been contributed by volunteer members of the site. Contributions include biographies and various photographs when available. The photos may include images of the cemetery, grave markers and/or the deceased.
Registered users may request photographs of certain graves and these requests may be 'claimed' by photo volunteers local to the requested area for uploading to the site. Members may also submit burial records to the site and several tools are available for this. Registered members also have the option to upgrade a memorial on the site for a one-time fee of $5. Upgrading increases the allowed photo limit and permanently removes all advertisements from the memorial.

Website info
title : Find A Grave - Millions of Cemetery Records
start date : 1997-06-21
owner : Find A Grave
street : PO Box 522107
city/state : Salt Lake City UT
country/zip : US 84152
phone : 000
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26 html errors, 2 css errors
13.90 page views per user
Most popular in United States, (80.20% visitors came from there)
G+ 1805 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
find a grave
howard carter
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WWW Server : Apache
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Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
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host Record Name IP Reverse
findagrave.com A
findagrave.com SOA ns1.myfamily.net
findagrave.com NS ns1.myfamily.net
findagrave.com NS ns3.myfamily.net
findagrave.com NS ns2.myfamily.net
findagrave.com MX 20 mail.messaging.microsoft.com mail-co1.bigfish.com
Domain information
Created : 1997-06-21
Expires : 2022-06-20
Changed : 2013-11-13
IP information
IP owner
Handle : XMIS
Organization : XMission, L.C.
Address : street: 51 E 400 S
Suite 200
city: Salt Lake City
state: UT
pcode: 84111-2753
country: US
Handle : TECHN5-ARIN
Name : Technical Support
Phone : +1-801-539-0852
Email : support@xmission.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-166-70-0-0-1
Name : XMISSION-166-70-0-0
Status : Direct Allocation
Name : Netabuse Manager
Phone : +1-801-539-0852
Email : abuse@xmission.com
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