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This site helps businesses and families to get the loans they need to survive the economy and start the recovery process along with additional resources for each subject. You will find information on Capital Assistance, Consumer and Business Lending, Home Affordable Program and the Public-Private Investment Program. FinancialStability.gov tries to attack the credit crisis with tools and resources to solve the problem.

The website is compact and colorful in light and dark blues with governmental buildings lightly transcribed in the background. At the top of the page you will find the about link, road to stability, impact, the latest and contact information. Each section will give you the needed information on that subject. Then you will find some striking pictures and stories along with consumer protection, systemic risk, financial stability, legacy assets, making home affordable.

Then you will find sections on decoder, local impact and a search on contracts and documents. There is a section on the latest releases and latest news stories on finance and government. The bottom of the page has listings for each subject including staff, consumer and business lending, economic data, reports and filings and the address for The Department of Treasury in Washington. You can also find the FOIA and the Privacy Policy

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Handle : UDT-6
Organization : US Department of the Treasury
Address : street: OCIO
1750 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20006
country: US
Handle : DLS46-ARIN
Name : Smicker, Daniel L
Phone : +1-304-480-7779
Email : ecb-hosting@bpd.treas.gov
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-166-123-0-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : SOC35-ARIN
Name : Security Operations Center
Phone : +1-202-927-9777
Email : soc@gsoc.treas.gov
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