www.eppicard.com favicon eppicard.com (visit site)

This is an eppicard program information based web site. It is fairly easy to use. Just enter a state and you can get access to instant information. It is offered in English and Spanish. Headings are short and self explanatory. Easy to access the topic of your choice. You can easily create a new user log. The site features suggestions and advice on how to protect yourself from identity theft. The site provides detailed information on phishing and shares ways to protect yourself. You can also link on to check your account balance. Links are easy to follow and can provide you with the latest benefits. You can also get most of your questions answered by linking on to the frequently asked questions. You can find various savings and discounts. The site features easy access to information about the eppicard program offered in various states. You can also click on to the advertised featured merchants discount windows and a pop up will fill you in on the great buys that await you. You can also subscribe to discounts newsletter. The form is fairly quick and easy to fill out. This site is used mostly by females.

Website info
start date : 2003-12-29
owner : DArcy, Kevin
street : ACS Inc, 810 Hesters Crossing, Ste 120
city/state : Round Rock TX
country/zip : US 78681
email :
phone : +1 512 671 7373 x220, Fax: +1 571 434 4620
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eppicard pa
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)
Server OS : Red Hat
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: US-ASCII
Server: Header: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
eppicard.com A
eppicard.com SOA ns20.acsonline.com
eppicard.com NS acsdalns5.acs-inc.com
eppicard.com NS acsdalns6.acs-inc.com acsdalns6.acs-inc.com
eppicard.com NS acspitns5.acs-inc.com ns22.acsonline.com
eppicard.com NS acspitns6.acs-inc.com
eppicard.com MX 10 smtp.eppicard.com
Domain information
Created : 2003-12-29
Expires : 2013-12-29
Changed : 2012-12-30
IP information
IP owner
Handle : SPRN
Organization : Sprint
Address : street: 12502 Sunrise Valley Drive
city: Reston
state: VA
pcode: 20196
country: US
Name : IP Services
Phone : +1-800-232-6895
Email : ipsa.noc@sprint.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-65-160-0-0-1
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : SAET-ARIN
Name : Sprint AUP Enforcement Team
Phone : +1-800-232-6895
Email : abuse@sprint.net
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