www.emedicine.com (visit site)

Emedicine.com is a website dedicated to medical knowledge. It is from and very similar to the website WebMD. At the top of the site is a toolbar that visitors can use to access articles that can assist them with their problems. The site has over 6,500 articles given by 10.000 physician contributors. You can search within five categories: MedScape, MedScape CME, eMedicine, Drugs, and Medline. Additionally, there is a feature entitled “What’s New In Medicine” which provide daily up-to-date information on the happenings in medicine. Also, there’s MedScape News, a section that provides random news about medicine. The site is built around three main sections: Medicine, Surgery, and Pediatrics. The Medicine section contains topics such as Neurology, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Sports Medicine. The surgery section has sections detailing Allergy and Immunology, Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, and Infectious Diseases. The smallest section, pediatrics, contains General Medicine, Developmental & Behavioral, and Cardiac Disease & Critical Care Medicine. There is also a log in and register section where returning users can log in and also a place where new users or visitors could possibly register and maybe contribute later on. Overall, it is a good website for anybody who is interested in medicine and fascinated about medical experiments or even for a young doctor and his practices.

Website info
title : Diseases & Conditions - Medscape Reference
start date : 1997-02-09
owner : eMedicine.com, Inc.
street : 1004 Farnam Street, Suite 300
city/state : Omaha NE
country/zip : US 68102
phone : 973-579-9900
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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 7413722 alexa rank
alexa.com 4272 alexa inbound links
Social Stats
dmoz.org 288 dmoz links
reddit.com 50 reddit entry
wikipedia.org 4115 wikipedia links
G+ 484 Facebook like
9 html errors, 48 css errors
1.00 page views per user
G+ 0 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
emedicine medscape
Server info
Server configuration
WWW Server : Apache
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
P3P Policy
Server: Header: Apache
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
emedicine.com A
emedicine.com SOA ns1.p10.dynect.net
emedicine.com NS ns2.p10.dynect.net
emedicine.com NS ns3.p10.dynect.net
emedicine.com NS ns4.p10.dynect.net
emedicine.com NS ns1.p10.dynect.net
emedicine.com MX 5 mail.messaging.microsoft.com mail.global.frontbridge.com
Domain information
Created : 1997-02-09
Expires : 2015-02-10
Changed : 2011-05-24
IP information
IP owner
Handle : WEBMD
Organization : WebMD, Inc.
Address : street: 111 8th Ave
Suite 700
city: New York City
state: NY
pcode: 10011
country: US
Handle : ZW62-ARIN
Name : WebMD Network Operations
Phone : +1-646-674-6860
Email : netops-arin@webmd.net
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-208-93-168-0-1
Name : WEBMD-IDC-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Handle : ZW62-ARIN
Name : WebMD Network Operations
Phone : +1-646-674-6860
Email : netops-arin@webmd.net
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