www.eastbuy.com (visit site)

eastbuy.com is a retail website specializing in footwear. The site is part of the Foot Locker Company and was originally founded for high school students in Wisconsin. The home page of the site is busy with content straight down the middle, along with top, left and right-side navigation. The very top of the site has information about reaching the company with questions on your order via a customer service link and telephone number, along with order status and my account links. The site search box and shopping cart can also be found in the upper right hand corner of the site, above the primary top-level navigation links. In the top navigation links there are different categories of product such as shoes, clothing, fan gear, accessories and etceteras. The site then displays a scrolling list of featured products designed to grab the visitors’ attention. On the left-hand side of the site there is a list of Top Sellers and New Arrivals; additionally, in the middle of the site below the scrolling advertisement is four separate links to other featured deals or products. The brands that are sold on the website are listed on the right-hand side of the site, and the bottom of the website displays “top searches” and “most popular”, along with the standard disclaimers and links to Company Information. Clicking on any one of the links to launch a section of the site with similar products (i.e. the basketball shoes) will show that the site layout is very similar to the home page. Finally, this site would be useful for anyone shopping for athletic apparel, in addition to some other non-athletic brands such as Timberland.

Website info
title : eastbuy.com
start date : 2001-07-29
owner : Satoshi Shimoshita
street : 1-12-3-304, Furuishiba
city/state : Koto-ku, Tokyo 1350045
country/zip : JAPAN
email :
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alexa.com 9643651 alexa rank
alexa.com 3 alexa inbound links
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reddit.com 0 reddit entry
G+ 1 Facebook like
6 html errors, 0 css errors
2.00 page views per user
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WWW Server : Oversee Turing v1.0.0
Document Information: Encoding: utf-8
P3P Policy
Server: Header: Oversee Turing v1.0.0
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
eastbuy.com A
eastbuy.com SOA ns1.dsredirection.com
eastbuy.com NS ns1.dsredirection.com
eastbuy.com NS ns2.dsredirection.com
Domain information
Created : 2001-07-29
Expires : 2014-07-29
Changed : 2013-07-30
IP information
IP owner
Handle : OVERS-1
Organization : Oversee.net
Address : street: 515 S. Flower St
Suite 4400
city: Los Angeles
state: CA
pcode: 90071
country: US
Name : Oversee NOC
Phone : +1-213-408-0080
Email : ipadmin@oversee.net
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-208-73-208-0-1
Status : Direct Assignment
Name : Oversee NOC
Phone : +1-213-408-0080
Email : ipadmin@oversee.net
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