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Directaclick.com is the website of Branding.FOX and Performance.FOX, both branding and marketing companies owned by .FOX Networks. .FOX Networks is owned by FOX International Channels, a News Corporation company.

The homepage features an overview of the services provided by the site, as well as a graphic representation of the types of networks and companies they market on and a scrolling list at the bottom of their past clients. There are also links along the bottom of related .FOX companies.

The ‘About us’ section provides information about the both companies, their parent network FOX International Channels, and information about the network’s internet marketing reach.

The ‘Branding’ section provides an overview of the branding and marketing services offered by the company, as well as information about campaign categories and targets.

The ‘Performance’ section provides an overview about the direct response advertising services offered by the company, as well as a description of buying models, campaign optimization, and the different targeting methods used. Visitors can also download a company media kit from this page.

The ‘News’ section provides the latest company news, updates, and press releases. The ‘Contact us’ section provides a list of offices and contact information sorted by country, as well as a short contact form.

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PHP PHP is a scripting language used for object-oriented programming of dynamic websites. PHP is usually used on the server WWW site, but also can be used to create programs running in graphical mode if we use the appropriate libraries. Sometimes PHP is also used to process data by the command line.
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