www.desktopsmiley.com (visit site)

Desktopsmiley.com is a splash page which asks visitors to download their custom toolbar, allowing the user to access smileys and emoticons directly from their browser. In addition, the toolbar comes with a built-in search box for ease of use. Desktopsmiley.com also includes bonus features for customization, such as free wallpapers and cursors. While the website promises no spyware, this user didn’t take the chance and test.

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Traffic Stats
alexa.com 390215 alexa rank
alexa.com 59 alexa inbound links
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reddit.com 0 reddit entry
G+ 0 Facebook like
3.30 page views per user
Most popular in Japan, (99.50% visitors came from there)
G+ 0 Tweets
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
Domain information
Created : 2007-10-30
Expires : 2014-10-30
Changed : 2013-10-02
IP information
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Title Desktopsmileys.com
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