www.democracyinaction.org (visit site)

Being a progressive nonprofit whose core activity is to provide tools to other progressive nonprofits for a lot less then the private sector would, they though they would built this web site to this is a web site because they believe that they can use technology and social justice to advance their progressive agenda. The democracy inaction web site has been specifically designed so that organizations may engage their members and supports more efficiently and effectively. Among all of the tools they have, one of their major tools is Salsa. Salsa has pretty much everything you need to create campaigns, and timely alerts and newsletters and get real-time reports and inspire grassroots action. Service Fees, for this web site is depend on the type of service you would like to have. The services have broken down in two categories, there is a set-up fee, and monthly fee both of those depend on the type of service the customer would want to purchase. They have three different group levels of support, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. The amounts of money a customer pay is effect by each one of one of those service; in addition to that you also get charge by number of supporters you would to have.

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title : Synthesis Managed WordPress Hosting
start date : 2003-05-02
owner : Justin Nemmers
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country/zip : US 20001
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phone : +1 703 628 1622
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host Record Name IP Reverse
democracyinaction.org A
democracyinaction.org SOA ns1.wiredforchange.com
democracyinaction.org NS ns2.wiredforchange.com ec2-174-129-213-47.compute-1.amazonaws.com
democracyinaction.org NS ns3.wiredforchange.com ec2-174-129-198-147.compute-1.amazonaws.com
democracyinaction.org NS ns1.wiredforchange.com ns1.salsalabs.com
democracyinaction.org MX 10 email.democracyinaction.org
Domain information
Created : 2003-05-02
Expires : 2014-05-02
Changed : 2013-04-03
Domain owner
Handle : 5993e55306771446
Name : Domain Admin
Organization : Salsa Labs, Inc.
Address : street: 1700 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 300
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20009
country: US
Phone : +1.12025582807
Fax : +1.12025582807
Email : domainadmin@salsalabs.com
Handle : ced27365cd1
Name : Domain Admin
Organization : Salsa Labs, Inc.
Address : street: 1700 Connecticut Ave NW
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20009
country: US
Phone : +1.2025582807
Fax : +1.2025582807
Email : domainadmin@salsalabs.com
Handle : ced27365cd1
Name : Domain Admin
Organization : Salsa Labs, Inc.
Address : street: 1700 Connecticut Ave NW
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20009
country: US
Phone : +1.2025582807
Fax : +1.2025582807
Email : domainadmin@salsalabs.com
IP information
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Handle : PACKE-25
Organization : PacketExchange, Inc
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USA Office Headquarters
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pcode: 22102
country: US
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Email : noc@gt-t.net
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-69-174-0-0-1
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : ABUSE1876-ARIN
Name : Abuse Department
Phone : +1-877-225-3899
Email : abuse@packetexchange.net
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